Picnic Celebration of the Greenway Orchard Green Gym Thurs 25 October

Do come and join this celebration of 2 years Green Gym work in the Greenway Orchard and the handing of the baton to PSBL!

Our role will be to support the volunteer team in continuing and growing as a group and the Green Gym and Orchard itself to grow, develop and be self sustaining. 🙂

Come along at 12.30 on Thursday 25th October.  Or arrive at 10.45 if you want to do a bit of physical work and get your hands and bodies active.   You can meet lead volunteer Amanda, our Green Spaces community workers and TCV staff.

A cause for celebration.  Come rain or shine! 

We are particularly delighted because our February Wassail event in the Orchard to help the trees fruit, also brought a harvest for PSBL of a new role, which will bring a harvest of many local people getting involved in the Orchard and the Green Gym 🙂

For more info: Anna of TCV – see flyer below, or Ros of PSBL.

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