Looking forward to the Egham Road neighbours event and planter make-over

We are hoping to get lots of neighbours and children out on the Egham Road green space on Thursday.  It’s half term week, so let’s get the children out to play on the green and all hands on deck to prune and weed and put in some new plants. 🙂

Thursday 15 February 2-4pm

Tips on how to prune/cut back plants… information about great plants for planters… planting seeds and plants… activities for children… an opportunity to play and hang-out on the green with neighbours…  All equipment provided.

This event is just for the residents but do feel free to pop over to see what’s going on.  PSBL has the budget and the green spaces community workers to help you get planters and do things to make your Plaistow South spot more beautiful.  It just needs a few neighbours to be inspired and bring us an idea.  Maybe a look at Egham Road could be the inspiration you need.

As with all hanging baskets, planters and gardens, some work is needed to keep them growing well and looking good.  Milena will be giving tips on how to prune and cut back plants and what sort of plants you could try out for colour, for wildlife, to cook with or to eat.

We hope that neighbours will be able to bring out tables and chairs and some games, and make a bit of a party of it!  Ros will bring along chalks and some bits and bobs that can get the children playing and neighbours talking.

The photos are from the day the planters were put in, back in 2016.

Ros and Milena, Green Spaces community workers / 07957 534908

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