The Safe Zone pilot in Plaistow South re knife crime and gangs

PSBL has piloted a project that aims to work with young people on the streets, in schools, PRU’s, youth clubs etc to raise their awareness on how to keep safe on the streets and avoid, guns, gangs and knives.

REIN youth workers have been working since November and have so far contacted 50 young people, with 20 attending workshops that include deconstructing drill music videos and increasing street awareness.

Part of the pilot is to find local shop keepers willing to be a Safe Youth Zone place, if a young person needs to get away from danger.  So far 5 shop keepers in Plaistow South have signed up.

It is a pilot and part of this is working out the sustainability of the scheme locally as well as the wider impact on youth safety whilst on the street.  We are so glad to be involved in this bigger pilot which is part funded by the Local Trust, to do something practical to address gun, gangs and knives.

We hope to feature a couple of local shop keepers that have signed up in a future blog, and our Facebook page.  We know our local shops are part of community life and it is encouraging when this community spirit can be seen in action.  You can already see these appearing in local shop windows, and more will be coming. 🙂  If you want to know more, get in touch.

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