Mindfullness course at Tollgate School Greenway Orchard Green Gym holds its inaugural AGM Tree pits on Tunmarsh Lane looked after by residents Green Gym gets it’s container delivered A litter pick Our shed on the Greenway/Prince Regent Lane is cleared of litter Our sunflowers growing outside the Fire Station Lots of Zoom cuppas! Bike safety MOTs event in partnership with See a Need, Fill a Need Another pic of the Bike MOT weekend – 50 bikes serviced Launch of our CRF fund for community groups with ideas for Covid times Tomato plants giveaway Lots of positive comments from passers by The tallest sunflower planted from our seeds! Egham Road planter gets a tidy up in the October half term Egham Road residents at work
Tree pruning workshop in January Green Gym met weekly in the cold winter all through the year Green Gym makes a bat box One of the adopted tree pits on Humberstone Road Community work day on the Egham Road planter Neighours pitch in to tidy up the Egham Road Planter Green Gym volunteers make a water butt shed on the Greenway Orchard We enjoyed having a stall and networking at the Newham hospital open day West Ham team make an appearance at the Newham Hospital community day Our trip to City Hall to promote our Body Soul Food project idea Egham Road planter gets an Autumn tidy up First Aid course trains up 11 local people Delighted to hold a steering group meeting at the Green Gate cafe Milena joins the new Rice & Teas lunch club at the Mix Thanks to Serco for the help in re-doing the Orchard paths and mulching Staff attended the Small Change Big Difference Networking day A successful pilot in December that we will continue with in 2020 Harvest Festival at Greenway Orchard Successful wreath making workshop at the Green Gate cafe Some of the wreaths!