Help your neighbours, friends and family to learn digital skills. Gain confidence to help out in small ways or as a digital champion trainer.
We know that there are three types of digital exclusion: access to a device, access to Wifi and having digital skills to do what you need or want to do online.
Our digital champions project is about enabling community volunteers to help share their skills in a friendly way. We are partnering with Skills Enterprise to train up our digital champions and we are helping people develop their digital skills by signing up to an excellent online course called Learn My Way.
Sign up to Learn My Way to learn digital skills /Join us as a Digital Champion volunteer
We are now running regular drop in sessions for learners and champions at Memorial Community Church and are always encouraging learners to help others with what they know.
Please email us at or text or ring Malaka on 07922 712215. Look forward to hearing from you! Do bring along family and friends too. We want to make this big!
Also please see our ‘Free Wi-Fi router page’
Get in touch if you want to know more