Plaistow South Big Local are piloting a small Arts and Culture Seed Fund grants programme. The fund will support arts and culture organisations and individual artists to come together to trial new projects in Plaistow South.
We are looking for high quality, innovative and interesting projects that will excite and inspire residents of Plaistow South. Your project might take place in green spaces such as Plaistow Park or the Greenway, in local cafes and pubs or other community spaces. It could involve engaging local residents in creating something, or you might use your professional creative skills to improve the physical spaces in the community or to put on a cultural event for people to enjoy. The possibilities are endless. We look forward to hearing your ideas!
The aims of the fund are to:
· deliver artistic and cultural outcomes that are high quality;
· support innovation and creative expression;
· improve access to the arts and culture activities for local residents;
· meet local needs;
· facilitate the development of new partnerships between groups active in Plaistow South;
· support organisations in realising the potential and scale of their ambitions;
· support organisations, groups and individuals who live, work or study in the area or have a unique offer for Plaistow South.
It is intended to fund both new and existing community groups, including groups of residents working together but not constituted, organisations, individual artists and creative people. There is currently a total of £15,000 available for the first six-months of 2020.
To find out more and apply for funding please contact the PSBL Arts and Culture Task Group via email ( if you have any queries regarding the fund.